The UC Family Friendly Edge Sloan Grant

The award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to the campus's Work/Family Initiative was earmarked for work to assess, revise and implement a package of "family-friendly" policies designed to make flexible career paths and part-time work status viable options for ladder-rank faculty with caregiving responsibilities.

The UC Faculty Family Friendly Edge project focused on policies, programs, services and benefits to support UC faculty and their families. Some examples of proposed or achieved improvements include:

  • Up to two terms (quarters or semesters) reduced duties (ASMD active service-modified duties) for new parents with substantial care-giving responsibilities (Achieved - and improved to make clear that ASMD is an entitlement).

  • Stopping the tenure clock to allow time for care of a newborn or newly adopted child under five (Achieved - and improved to make clear that stopping the clock is an entitlement). 

  • A flexible part-time option for ladder-rank faculty with substantial familial caregiving responsibilities (Achieved but low use). 

  • Parental leave (unpaid) for up to one year to care for a child (including a child of either spouse or domestic partner) (Achieved).

  • One year unpaid leave to care for self or a sick family member, including domestic partner. Up to 12 weeks fully paid leave with Chancellor's approval (Achieved)

  • An institutional commitment to both current and future expansion of high-quality infant and child care (Proposed and partially achieved).

  • Housing assistance and a new program for Partners and Spouses job search (Partially achieved).